• A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems

    A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems

    This book presents a new approach to analyzing initial-boundary value problems for integrable partial differential equations (PDEs) in two dimensions, a method that the author first introduced in 1997 and which is based on ideas of the inverse scattering transform. This method is unique in also yielding novel integral representations for the explicit solution of linear boundary value problems, which include such classical problems as the heat...

     352 p itc 08/01/2013 289 1

  • A Multifractal Model of Asset Returns

    A Multifractal Model of Asset Returns

    The probabilistic description of financial prices, pioneered by Bachelier (1900), initially focused onindependent and Gaussian distributed price changes. Financial economists have long recognizedtwo major discrepancies between the Bachelier model and actual financial data. First, financialdata commonly display temporal dependence in the alternation of periods of large price changeswith periods of smaller changes. Secondly, the tails of the...

     33 p itc 08/01/2013 289 1

  • A History of Interest Rates, Fourth Edition

    A History of Interest Rates, Fourth Edition

    A History of Interest Rates presents a very readable account of interest rate trends and lending practices over four millennia of economic history. Despite the paucity of data prior to the Industrial Revolution, authors Homer and Sylla provide a highly detailed analysis of money markets and borrowing practices in major economies. Underlying the analysis is their assertion that "the free market long-term rates of interest for any industrial...

     732 p itc 08/01/2013 283 2

  • A Currency Options Primer

    A Currency Options Primer

    A quick and concise guide to currency options An understanding of currency options is essential for those working in investment and foreign exchange. A Currency Options Primer sets out to give readers a clear guide to how the currency option market functions, offering practical advice on mastering the necessary components and concepts for fully understanding the workings of this market.

     203 p itc 08/01/2013 303 2

  • A Comparison Of Dividend Cash Flow And Earnings Approaches To Equity Valuation

    A Comparison Of Dividend Cash Flow And Earnings Approaches To Equity Valuation

    Standard formulas for valuing equities require prediction of payoffs "to infinity" for going concerns but a practical analysis requires that they be predicted over finite horizons. This truncation inevitably involves (often troublesome) "terminal value" calculations. This paper contrasts dividend discount techniques, discounted cash flow analysis, and techniques based on accrual earnings when applied to a finite-horizon valuation. Valuations...

     68 p itc 08/01/2013 313 2

  • Domain Name System

    Domain Name System

    DNS là từ viết tắt trong tiếng Anh của Domain Name System, là Hệ thống phân giải tên miền được phát minh vào năm 1984 cho Internet, chỉ một hệ thống cho phép thiết lập tương ứng giữa địa chỉ IP và tên miền. Chức năng của DNS: Mỗi Website có một tên ( là tên miền hay đường dẫn URL : Universal Resource Locator ) và một địa chỉ IP. Địa chỉ IP gồm 4 nhóm...

     50 p itc 07/01/2013 380 12

  • Giới thiệu hệ điều hành LINUX

    Giới thiệu hệ điều hành LINUX

    Linux là hệ điều hành. Về mặt nguyên tắc hệ điều hành cũng là một software; nhưng đây là một software đặc biệt – được dùng để quản lý, điều phối các tài nguyên (resource) của hệ thống (bao gồm cả hardware và các software khác). Linux còn được gọi là Open Source Unix (OSU), Unix-like Kernel, clone of the UNIX operating system. Linux do Linus Torvalds, một sinh viên...

     12 p itc 07/01/2013 399 7

  • Monte Carlo Methods in Finance

    Monte Carlo Methods in Finance

    An invaluable resource for quantitative analysts who need to run models that assist in option pricing and risk management. This concise, practical hands on guide to Monte Carlo simulation introduces standard and advanced methods to the increasing complexity of derivatives portfolios. Ranging from pricing more complex derivatives, such as American and Asian options, to measuring Value at Risk, or modelling complex market dynamics, simulation is...

     235 p itc 07/01/2013 314 1

  • Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance

    Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance

    Monte Carlo methods have been used for decades in physics, engineering, statistics, and other fields. Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance explains the nuts and bolts of this essential technique used to value derivatives and other securities. Author and educator Don McLeish examines this fundamental process, and discusses important issues, including specialized problems in finance that Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods can help solve and...

     398 p itc 07/01/2013 331 1

  • Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition

    Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition

    Designed for classroom use, Valuation, University Edition Fifth Edition is filled with the expert guidance from McKinsey & Company that students and professors have come to trust. Fully Revised and Updated, NEW FEATURES to the Fifth Edition include: ALL NEW CASE STUDIES that illustrate how valuation techniques and principles are applied in real-world situations NEW CONTENT on the strategic advantages of value-based management EXPANDED to...

     862 p itc 07/01/2013 295 1

  • Principles of Corporate Finance Brealey and Myers Sixth EditionuFinance and the Financial

    Principles of Corporate Finance Brealey and Myers Sixth EditionuFinance and the Financial

    Chapter 1 Topics Covered What Is A Corporation? w The Role of The Financial Manager w Who Is The Financial Manager? w Separation of Ownership and Management w Financial Markets Corporate Structure Sole Proprietorships Unlimited Liability Personal tax on profits Partnerships Limited Liability Corporations Corporate tax on profits + Personal tax on dividends

     816 p itc 07/01/2013 438 1

  • Mathematical Economics and Finance

    Mathematical Economics and Finance

    In recent years, mathematics graduates have been increasingly expected to have additional skills in practical subjects such as economics and finance, while eco- nomics graduates have been expected to have an increasingly strong grounding in mathematics. The increasing need for those working in economics and finance to have a strong grounding in mathematics has been highlighted by such layman’s guides as ?, ?, ? (adapted from ?) and ?. In...

     153 p itc 07/01/2013 252 1

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